Winter Farmers Market Application & Membership Form


TO BE A VENDOR:  You must be located in The State of Vermont or within 30 miles of the boarders of the State of Vermont, as is defined as local by the State of Vermont.

You must be an active producer growing/raising/pickling/preparing/baking or creating your own products.

You must read and abide by the Market rules and by-laws. By completing a Market application or membership form you are agreeing that you have read and understand the Market rules and by-laws, ensuring you will be in full compliance with State and Federal guidelines for your product. Please read and note any changes on an annual basis. Liability insurance may be required although the Vermont Farmers Market does not require proof of insurance. The liability is yours. The Vermont Farmers Market does not have insurance to cover vendors. ALL members and vendors will be held to the standards of the Market rules and by-laws. Failure to comply with all rules and by-laws could result in forfeiture of your space and fees.

Any vendor who wishes to apply for a space in the Vermont Farmer Market must register as a member and pay the annual dues which are $40 per calendar year.


As a vendor you must produce at least 80% of what you sell. You can acquire up to 20% of what you sell from another producer within the selling areas approved by the market listed above. If you sell another producers product, they must become a Member and fill out the Membership application and pay the annual dues. You must also tell the manager if you are doing this.

Membership registration is ongoing throughout the membership year. A membership year runs from January 1st through December 30th of the same calendar year. Becoming a member gives you the opportunity to participate in The Vermont Farmers Markets and/or Special Shows that begin within that calendar year.

Return your application and fees by the deadline listed. Failure to do so could result in loss of space for returning vendors.

Existing vendors have seniority as long as your application and fees are received by the deadline.  (see below)

New Member or Vendor applicants: Send in your membership dues ($40) as soon as your form has been submitted. Do not send in any Seasonal fees at the time of submission. If we do not have space for you at the time of application, you can be placed on our daily vending list. Daily vendors are notified in advance when spaces become available on a weekly basis. If a Seasonal space become available, you may have the option to become a permanent Seasonal vendor.

Returning Members or Vendor applicants: Send in your Seasonal fee with your application.

Checks or Money orders payable to:

The Vermont Farmers Market
P.O. Box 1008
Rutland, VT 05701

Credit Cards may be used for payment, however this option is available only at the Market, there is a 2.5% surcharge.


**PAYMENT TERMS: Payments are due IN FULL for existing vendors by October 1st.  After October 1st you will be charged a $20 late fee. Payment for new vendors is required in full upon approval. If fees aren't paid in full by October 16th you will NOT be allowed to vend until you have paid in full, including the $20 late fee.**

By joining our market you are giving consent to the market to use your pictures for advertising and social media.

Please email the Market Manager at